Is it time to consider
Total Ankle Replacement?

Is Total Ankle Replacement right for you?

Take the quiz to see if it's an option.

Stryker’s Total Ankle Replacement can reduce end-stage ankle arthritis pain by replacing the damaged, painful joint with an implant that allows your ankle to retain motion.

Take the quiz below to determine if this surgery may be the best next step for you.

  1. I am a...*
  2. My age is...*
  3. Are you experiencing ankle tenderness or pain, reduced ability to move, walk, or bear weight, stiffness, or swelling?*
  4. If yes, which of these symptoms are you experiencing?*
  5. How long have you had these symptoms?*
  6. Have you been diagnosed by a doctor with end-stage ankle arthritis?*
  7. What type of doctor are you currently talking to about your ankle symptoms?*
  8. Which if any conservative treatments have you tried?

* required

Please enter your information to get your results.

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Stryker respects the confidentiality of your personal information. If at any time you wish to revoke all or part of this permission, you can email us at: This permission will expire 10 years after the date of your signature.**

**If you live in Maryland, the consent expires automatically in one year. We may contact you then to see if you would like to renew it.

Is it time to consider Total Ankle Replacement?

Important information

For important risk information click here

Individual results and activity levels after surgery vary and depend on many factors including age, weight and prior activity level. There are risks and recovery times associated with surgery and there are certain individuals who should not undergo surgery. Only a physician can tell you if this product and associated procedure are right for you and your unique circumstances. Please consult with a physician for complete information regarding benefits, risks, anticipated implant duration and possible outcomes.


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