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Mako Surgeons near Sacramento, CA

Find an orthopaedic specialist below that performs Mako Robotic Arm-Assisted joint replacement procedures near Sacramento, CA.

Displaying 1-12 of 44 surgeons near Sacramento, CA Change Search

I use Mako.
Michael P. Leathers, M.D.
Sacramento, California
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Mercy General Hospital
Sacramento Orthopedic Surgery
1.4 miles away
Specialities: Hip Knee
I use Mako.
Amir Jamali, M.D.
Walnut Creek, California
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San Ramon Regional Medical Ce...
Joint Preservation Institute
1.5 miles away
Specialities: Knee Hip Shoulder
I use Mako.
Samuel Hu, M.D.
Sacramento, California
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Mercy General Hospital
Mercy Medical Group
1.6 miles away
Specialities: Hip Knee
I use Mako.
Gavin Pereira, M.D.
Sacramento, California
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UC Davis Medical Center
UC Davis Health - Department ...
3.0 miles away
Specialities: Knee Hip
I use Mako.
Ron E. James, M.D.
Sacramento, California
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Mercy General Hospital
Northern California Orthopaed...
4.5 miles away
Specialities: Knee Hip
I use Mako.
Sutter Roseville Medical Center
Premiere Orthopedics & Podiat...
11.8 miles away
Specialities: Knee Hip Shoulder
I use Mako.
Robert Lucas, M.D.
Folsom, California
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Mercy General Hospital
Mercy Medical Group
18.5 miles away
Specialities: Knee Hip Shoulder
I use Mako.
Philbert Huang, M.D.
Yuba City, California
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Sutter Surgical Hospital Nort...
Sutter North Orthopedics
38.9 miles away
Specialities: Hip Knee Shoulder
I use Mako.
Harinder Dhanota, D.O.
Yuba City, California
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Sutter Surgical Hospital Nort...
Sutter North Orthopedics
38.9 miles away
Specialities: Knee Shoulder
I use Mako.
Rideout Memorial Hospital
Sutter North Valley- Orthopedics
38.9 miles away
Specialities: Foot Ankle Knee
I use Mako.
Alan T. Kawaguchi, M.D.
Stockton, California
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St. Joseph's Medical Center O...
Alpine Orthopaedic
43.0 miles away
Specialities: Knee Hip
I use Mako.
Jaspreet S. Sidhu, D.O.
Stockton, California
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St. Joseph's Medical Center O...
Alpine Orthopaedic
43.0 miles away
Specialities: Knee
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The information included on this website and the Find a Doctor database is for informational purposes only. No physician has been paid or received a fee to be included in the database. The “Find a Doctor” database does not include an exhaustive list of all physicians in a location and also does not include all physicians who use or have used Stryker’s products. The physicians shown have requested to be included in the database and represented to Stryker that they are certified to use the technologies identified in their profiles. The results are listed by proximity to the search criteria.

Stryker does not endorse, recommend or make a referral to any physician included in the “Find a Doctor” database. Stryker does not practice medicine; only a physician can answer your questions regarding your symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

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