Frequently asked questions

These FAQs are not a substitute for medical advice from your doctor. Please be sure to speak with your doctor about any questions regarding your specific symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options.

Depending on the size and location of your surgical incision and what kind of dressing is applied to the surgical site, you may have special instructions for showering. Your surgeon may ask you to wait to shower after surgery for anywhere from one to three days. Don’t soak in water (e.g., bathtubs, swimming pools) until your doctor says it’s okay. As always, ask your doctor what is best for you.

Yes. Due to the nature of surgery in general, you will have a scar. Your surgeon may recommend a topical treatment to help reduce scar formation.

It is typical for surgeons to advise that patients only return to driving once they are no longer taking pain medication(s) and once they feel comfortable turning the head in all directions. Please ask your doctor prior to driving.

This will depend on the nature of your job. People with labor intensive jobs may take longer to get back to work, while people with desk jobs may be able to return sooner. The amount of time can range anywhere from two to twelve weeks. Ask your doctor about the best plan for you to get back to work.

In general, your surgeon will recommend waiting until you feel comfortable enough to travel. As always, ask your doctor what is best for you.

Many surgeons recommend that their patients wait twelve weeks before returning to normal activities. Please ask your doctor when you can resume normal activities, as every person is different.

Important information


Some of the images on this website depict Stryker’s products. Please speak to your doctor if you have questions about these products or anything else in this website.

The information presented is for educational purposes only. Stryker is not dispensing medical advice. Please speak to your doctor to decide if spinal surgery is right for you. Only your doctor can make the medical judgment regarding which products and treatments are right for your own individual condition.

As with any surgery, spinal surgery carries certain risks. Your surgeon will explain all the possible complications of the surgery, as well as side effects. Each spinal surgery patient will experience a different post-operative activity level, depending on his/her own individual clinical factors. Your doctor will help counsel about how to best maintain your activities in order to recover properly from your surgery. Such activities include not engaging in high-impact activities that could de-stabilize any instrumentation that may have been implanted.

Stryker Corporation or its divisions or other corporate affiliated entities own, use or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: Stryker. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners or holders.

Ask your doctor if spine surgery is right for you.


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